Inside Scoop: Timeless Vodka is Experiencing Record Breaking Brand Growth. - The Influence Journal

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Inside Scoop: Timeless Vodka is Experiencing Record Breaking Brand Growth.

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In the world of premium spirits, only a handful of independent brands have been able to consolidate a successful growth trajectory. As global social and geopolitical narratives continue advancing towards a more democratic, inclusive and sustainable order, minority owned enterprises are experiencing a powerful surge in consumer preference.

For Amber Ferrell-Steele and her husband, former star athlete, Bruce Steele, the same drive and tenacity that made them choose to create and launch America´s favorite independent premium vodka brand (Timeless Vodka) is now allowing the young power couple to capitalize on current market trends.

Boasting one of the most impressive revenue and brand growth ratios the independent spirits segment has witnessed in recent times, Timeless´ all American, painstakingly crafted elevated vodka has consolidated itself as the number one choice for discerning consumers, speaking to a specific lifestyle oriented audience – a niche market that has proven to be extremely fertile.

For young entrepreneurs like Amber and Bruce, juggling executive duties, family life and personal commitments seems like an impossible challenge at times, but their story has effectively inspired an entire generation of up and coming entrepreneurs who look up to what they have accomplished in such a short timespan.

With just over 64% of Americans between 30 and 49 years of age consuming vodka on a regular basis, brands like Timeless are faced with the challenge of cutting through the noise and gaining market share within strategic consumer segments, however for Mr. and Mrs. Steele this uphill battle doesn´t seem to wear out their determination, but rather it has served as fuel to keep the entrepreneurial fire burning as their brainchild continues its undeniable rise to widespread market prominence.

As the business world continues to experience previously unseen levels of volatility, the swiftness and flexibility of successful independent brands such as Timeless Vodka become game-changing factors when observing long term consumer trends which point to an irreversible preference towards rich, well rounded products that appeal directly to knowledgeable consumers, as opposed to mass produced brands owned by large scale conglomerates. Times are obviously changing, but some things will always remain timeless.
