Elite Pickz is a brand catered to the everyday sports fan wanting to profit off their passion. Founded by Bill Harrelson, the brand operates primarily through Instagram and their website that sells and posts sports picks curated by two members of their team who collectively amass years of experience in the field. The picks are sold in daily, weekly, and monthly forms to cater to novice sports enthusiasts all the way to sports gambling extraordinaires. Sports betting takes a new role as catered to the gambler with the use of Elite Pickz services. Casinos and sports books are centered around the idea that they generate profit for themselves. The common misconception that pure knowledge of a sport can result in successful gambling is widespread in the industry and a major outlet of how these facilities generate so much personal revenue. However, the root of successful sports betting is the presence of analytics that help fans make educated predictions on the outcomes of games. Elite Pickz provides picks backed by facts supported by advanced models and analytics.

In an industry riddled with scammers that claim to provide picks that result in insane win rates, Elite Pickz focuses on providing picks that beat the closing lines consistently. Doing this creates an edge over the house and when played many times results in generated profit. The brand aims to educate people more about the world of sports betting through transparency and gives them the opportunity to take their love to a new level. Elite Pickz highlights how pro sports has the ability to generate profit and seeks to provide extensive research on the topic. When the brand generated a steady following in 2020, they did so with compassion for the game. They actually care about their customers' well-being and want to help them navigate the tumultuous world of sports betting. Because of this virtue, they have interviewed multiple people that claim to be “pro” sports bettors. After realizing that most experts are actually frauds, Elite Pickz eventually found and added two highly qualified members to their team. Compared to their competitors, Elite Pickz likes to differentiate themselves by caring about their customers over their personal profits. They do this by guaranteeing their results. If the team fails to generate an ROI in a client’s first month, they offer the next month free. All company results are fully documented with proof available of any play, something rare in this industry that they believe should be mandatory. They are known to not be afraid to tell their customers when they lose and they do not hide their major losses like most other competing brands.
With their website officially launching, Elite Pickz has become an industry powerhouse. Many of their new clients join during the NFL season but tend to continue through the rest of the year upon seeing results. Because their picks are completely based on advanced models and numbers rather than personal opinion, the brand poses as a company backed by technical expertise. Elite Pickz shows clients to consistently beat closing lines on almost all of their picks, which is unheard of in the industry. Elite Pickz allows customers to take a technical standpoint on gambling all backed by facts and proven results. The brand is a stellar example of what's in store for the future of sports betting. Check out their website!